Old ExperienceNew Methods30 years of experience combined with adaptability to modern methods make us the best in our field.
Civil Engineering
At McGarry Construction Ltd we offer a full range of services, from groundworks and surfacing to building and maintenance. We can accommodate any size job with experienced staff across the rail infrastructure.
Cable Trains
McGarrys is one of the most experienced suppliers of highly qualified and expert staff in the loading, running and logistics involved with the delivery of cables from a Cable Train. This is an extremely specialised piece of rail equipment and we are very proud of our safety and delivery history.
HV Feeders
McGarrys have over 10 years of history managing and delivering feeder renewals. From full management and programming, to supply of experienced staff to assist in wider projects.
Why McGarry?
McGarrys are a safety and quality driven company, with 30 years of experience on the rail infrastructure. We continue to develop, and strive to retain our record as a trusted supplier to the industry.
We are specialists in many areas and are committed to delivering excellent quality work in all we do.
With highly experienced staff and over 30 years of history, McGarrys continues to be a proud supplier to the rail industry.
What we Do
McGarrys deliver quality work, on time and with constant collaboration with our clients: we maintain an excellent record across a long list of services.
Civil Engineering
McGarrys is an innovative company with vast experience in delivering a wide variety of civil engineering requirements to the rail infrastructure.
Rail Infrastructure
All our staff hold PTS as a minimum requirement and we have a wide variety of skilled labourers to deliver the needs of our clients.
With over 30 years experience!
Our Experience combined with our modern standards means we excel in Saftey, High Quality work and Responsiveness
We strive to ensure that safety and standards are met
above all else. Saftey is paramount.
McGarrys have a long and proud history of collaborative relationships with some of the biggest and most trusted contractors in the industry today. We are very proud of our feedback and continue to develop and grow.